Erythema ab igne is an unusual rash that can develop secondary to exposure to an exogenous heat source. The name is derived from the Latin phrase meaning “redness from the fire.” It has a clinically characteristic pattern.
Erythema ab igne - the abdomen, lower back, and legs are most frequently affected. |
The differential diagnosis is limited. For unknown reasons, not all persons exposed to heat sources develop the rash of erythema ab igne. Many patients develop the rash without even knowing of its existence. Reported causes have included hot water bottles, heating blankets, heaters, and computer laptops. Essentially any exogenous heat source can cause this reaction.
Erythema ab igne |
The exact temperature needed for the reaction to occur is unknown, and for some reason it does not occur from hot tub use, most likely because the causes of erythema ab igne are dry heat or temperatures higher than those of most hot tubs.
More details: 📖 Dermatology for Advanced Practice Clinicians
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